Tuesday, December 23, 2014

New Icon of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop

New Icon of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
by Sue
Wishing you the Blessing of the Christ Child.
May you be filled with joy, love and peace at this precious time.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Beautiful Sydney Harbour with Opera House

Romeo and Juliette, Sydney Library
There is nothing quite as beautiful as Sydney Harbour on a clear blue day.
It is easy to travel around Sydney by train.
The State Library of New South Wales is in the heart of the city, this beautiful statue dedicated to Shakespeare is in the front forecourt.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Rafferty's Resort, Lake Macquarie

Rafferty's Resort, Lake Macquarie
We have spent a beautiful week at Rafferty's Resort, Lake Macquarie.
It is a great place from which to explore the Hunter Valley Vineyards and surrounding area.
This Pelican is a magnificent bird. He and a dozen others enjoy a pampered life here.
They are fed daily, which is quite a spectacle.
Sunset is gently beautiful over the Lake.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Iconography Class at St Clement’s Monastery, Galong NSW, Sept 2014

Welcome to
an Experience of Spirituality and Painting
at St Clement’s Monastery, Galong NSW
Thursday 11 to Sunday 14 September 2014
An icon painting workshop commencing with the evening meal on Thursday and concluding with lunch on Sunday. (Friday start by arrangement).
Lead by Master Teacher – Professor Patrick Staikov Bernard, renowned iconographer who learned his craft in the leading icon-producing monastery in Russia.
The aim of the Icon is to render visible the essence of the immaterial.
“The Icon is based upon the incarnation in which God chose to
assume a human face” John Paul II
For more information and bookings contact –
St Clement's Retreat & Conference Centre info@stclement.com.au

Sunday, July 27, 2014

You have turned my sorrows to Joy

You have turned my sorrows into joy,
My mourning into dancing.
You said 'My yolk is easy and my burden light'.
Anything carried in love is no longer a burden.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

St Joseph and Jesus Icon

St Joseph and Jesus by Sue Orchison
This precious religious icon is a reflection on the relationship Jesus has with his earthly father and his Heavenly Father. Jesus and St. Joseph are returning from the Temple in Jerusalem, still dressed in their white robes. Jesus leaps out of the arms of Joseph and looks up both to heaven and to the Temple, the Heavenly Father's House.
The original icon was written by Brother Claude Lane, O.S.B., of Mount Angel Abbey in Oregon.

This icon points to the Resurrection of Christ - his white robes are reminiscent of the shroud - which is being unravelled.
The shoe recalls the passage when the Lord tells Moses to take off his shoes for he standing on Holy Ground.
The mountains in this image bow down to the Lord.
The image of Joseph is strong, confident and protective.
Spend a moment reflecting on this Icon of St Joseph and discover other gems held within.
Thank you Brother Claude for writing this image.  

Monday, May 12, 2014

Sydney Harbour and the Q Station

SuperCat Class Ferry - St Mary MacKillop
 Mother's Day was wonderful. Phone calls from each of the children and breakfast at the Bella Vista Café, North Head National Park Sydney. Bliss.
It was a truly magnificent spot. The views were breath taking.
Manly is a nightmare for parking - but once you find the Parking Garage the rest is easy and very entertaining. The beach is beautiful. And even in May the water is a very pleasant temperature. There were many Surfers riding the waves.

Q Station
 We spent the evening at the Q Station. A fascinating spot for a touch of history, mystery and very good food at the restaurant.
It is in the heart of Sydney, but sufficiently secluded to think you are out in the bush. It is surrounded by a beautiful national park.
Do put it on your 'to do list'.
Sydney Harbour - Magnificient

North Heads - Sydney Harbour

Panorama - Sydney Harbour Views

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bogong Moth

Bogong Moth

Bogong Moth Camouflaged
The Bogong moth arrived at the farm, at Murrumburrah, early April 2014 one evening and stayed for about two weeks before there were no more to be seen.
One evening there was much commotion on the back veranda and when I looked out the dog was having much fun playing with a number of huge moths flying above his head. They were the size of small birds. There were about 20 moths flying around the night light.
The following day I found a moth camouflaged at the base of a small tree trunk - very clever.

Wikipedia's reference to the Bogong moth is as follows -
The Bogong moth (Agrotis infusa) is a temperate species of night-flying moth notable for appearing in large numbers around major public buildings in Canberra, the capital city of Australia, during spring (late September to November) as it migrates to the High Plains. The moth's name 'Bogong' is the same as the mountain ranges on the High Plains i.e. the Bogongs, and may mean 'Big Fella' hence the name for the mountains, or it may have been the name for the Moth which has been accorded to the mountains as their locale.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Harden Gold Trail Festival 2014

At the Bushranger’s Dinner
The town of Harden/Murrumburrah was deck out in wonderful period costumes made by several talented ladies of the village. Margaret (centre) made the beautiful red outfit she is wearing and the other two outfits also. A Bushranger’s Dinner was held at the Mechanics Hall on Saturday Evening with a very lively Bush Band from Canberra which encouraged guests to take to the dance floor and enjoy the fun of old time dancing.

The Gold Trail Festival celebrates the history of the area - from the finding of gold, re-enactment of the attacks by bushranger Ben Hall and his gang in the 1860's, Cobb & Co coach rides, bush dancing and fellowship and fun.

Harden/Murrumburrah is on Burley Griffin Way and boasts of cafes which will happily cater for all your travelling needs.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

St Joseph and Child Jesus Icon

Icon St Joseph

I have just completed this Icon of St Joseph and the Child Jesus, March 2014.
Tomorrow is the feast day of  St Joseph - 19 March.
He is our most wonderful advocate.
I can recommend his protection and help in any situation.
Just ask him and he will assist what ever the need.
I always give thanks and praise to the Lord the patronage and help of St Joseph.
Jesus Mary and Joseph I give you my heart and my soul.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

New Icon of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
This is a new Icon of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop which I have completed in March 2014.
The image bears the wattle to symbolize the oneness of St Mary with the people and land of Australia.
The wagon wheel represents the vast amount of travel she did in Australia, New Zealand and the world.
The movement in her veil reveals her energy in educating and caring for the poor.
Her right hand is outstretched in service and love. Her left hand is folded in prayer in honour of the most Holy Cross of Jesus Christ - Redeemer and Saviour.
The Cathedral symbolizes the love for the Church which Mary had always in her heart.
The Icon is in tempera paints and gold leaf.

Friday, January 24, 2014

St Francis of Assisi Icon

St Francis of Assisi Icon by Sue Orchison
In this image St Francis preaches to the birds who listen to his word.
Francis told the birds: "My sweet little sisters, birds of the sky, you are bound to heaven, to God, your Creator. In every beat of your wings and every note of your  songs, praise Him. He has given you the greatest of gifts, the freedom of the air. You neither sow, nor reap, yet God provides for you the most delicious food, rivers and lakes to quench your thirst, mountains and valleys for your home, tall trees to build your nests, and the most beautiful clothing: a change of feathers with every season. You and your kind were preserved in Noah's Ark. Clearly, our Creator loves you dearly, since He gives you gifts so abundantly. So please beware, my little sisters, of the sin of ingratitude, and always sing praise to God."
The people who witnessed Francis' sermon to the birds reported that the birds listened intently to everything Francis had to say and remained attentively gathered around Francis until he blessed them and they flew away. http://angels.about.com Famous Saints

Lord, my King and my God,
 the sparrows find a home near your altars;
    swallows build nests there to raise their young.
My soul yearns for the courtyards of the Lord. Psalm 84
The mountain represents the Spirit - where we go to the high mountain to pray.
We go to a place set apart - be that a place quietly within ourselves
or another space
where we can be still and listen to the quiet, small voice of the Lord.
Notice in this Icon of St Francis of Assisi his mouth is closed and his ears are open,
in an attitude of listening to the Lord.
The TAU Cross is depicted on the book held by St Francis
The Franciscan symbol of the "crossed arms"  depicts the arms of JESUS and Francis crossed over the TAU,
both bearing the imprint of the Crucifixion nails. Francis' arm is enclosed in the sleeve of his habit.
It is a celebration of that remarkable gift of grace which St. Francis received on Mt. Alverna, September 17th
 - the Stigmata ... the bearing in his own body of the marks of his crucified Lord.
Just before he died on October 3rd, Francis stretched out his arms over his brothers in the form of a CROSS and blessed them in the power, and in the name of their crucified Lord.
Then he told them, "I have done what was mine to do;
may Christ teach you what is yours".
An Explanation of the Tau Cross
Francis used the TAU in his writings, painted in on the walls and doors of the places where he stayed,
and used it as his only signature on his writings.
The first recorded reference to the TAU is from Ezekiel 9:4, "Go through the city of Jerusalem and put a TAU on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it." The TAU is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet and looks very much like the letter "T".
At the Fourth Lateran Council, on November 11, 1215, Pope Innocent made reference to the TAU and quoted the above verse in reference to the profaning of the Holy Places by the Saracens. It is widely accepted that St. Francis was present at the Fourth Lateran Council and that he heard the words of Pope Innocent III when he said, "The TAU has exactly the same form as the Cross on which our Lord was crucified on Calvary, and only those will be marked with this sign and will obtain mercy who have mortified their flesh and conformed their life to that of the Crucified Saviour. From then on, the TAU became Francis' own coat of arms.
Francis used the TAU in his writings, painted in on the walls and doors of the places where he stayed, and used it as his only signature on his writings.
Thanks to The Franciscan Web site for this wonderful information -  http://www.thefranciscanfriars.org/taucross