Well as you know Australia Day is the 26th January. There are lots of events that celebrate Australia as a wonderful nation with an awesome people.
This year we chose to experience a really basic Australian Event - we went to Wombat NSW (just down the road from our little 'farm' to the 'Tractor Pull' at Wombat NSW.
Australia Day at Wombat NSW - at the Tractor Pull - what a great line up of tractors |
The tractors take it in turns to pull a load and the one that pulls it the furtherest is the winner in their section. There and a number of sections - catering for the oldest models to the newest. Great fun. |
There was also a display of old machiney and vintage cars and of course the craft stalls.
This is a CORN SPLITTER - you wind the handle and the corn cob moves down a conveyer belt and the corn is removed from the husk - how good is that!!! I loved it. |